Community Services Directory

Huntsville, AL and surrounding area
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Every Child Has a Story

Every Child Has A Story

We provide an online academy to train youths age 8-17 in communication skills, writing abilities and entrepreneurial building. We include video lessons, handouts, and access to trainers through Zoom platform for virtual workshops and mentoring.


A Hand Up Transitional Living

A Hand Up Transitional Living

Coordinate education opportunities with other community organizations for current family residents.

Please call 256-874-5012 for hours of operation.

Academy for Learning and Character Development

Academy for Learning and Character Development

ALCD assists low-income parents by providing educational childcare services based on the family's ability to pay. Children from battered homes, veterans, and homeless families are admitted into our program free of charge for a set amount of time. We offer our services to the community so that parents can obtain meaningful careers and further their education. ALCD works to prepare economically disadvantaged students for successful school entry. It is our belief that education is fundamental to breaking the cycle of poverty.


Village of Promise

Alabama First Class PreK

Our PreK program is part of the Nationally ranked and recognized Alabama First Class PreK- a research-based program based on Social/Emotional, Cognitive, Language, and Gross/Fine Motor Development. Parents register through the state's online portal as well as through our office. 98% of our families attend for free.

Monday - Friday

Family Services Center, Inc

Anger Management Program (AMP)

Do you find yourself angry and not understanding why? Do you carry around resentment from a past relationship? Anger can impact every aspect of our lives, with our family, friends, co-workers and even those we encounter during the normal course of your day. Learning how to identify triggers that left unchecked can lead you to be angry, understanding your response to those triggers and learning new ways of expressing yourself are all important tools in reducing and eliminating our negative response to anger. Learn how to live a happier, more content, satisfying life by managing your anger and you'll find those around you are happier too. Male and female, volunteer or mandated, our program can help improve your life. We partner with the court system, Department of Human Resources (DHR), attorneys and Employee Assistance Programs.

Please call 256-551-1610 for hours of operation.

Alabama Non-Violent Offenders

ANVO ALA D.O.C. Mentoring Class

We work with the Alabama Department of Corrections to assist those residents to be able to reenter into their community and be better prepared once they are released from prison. The two classes currently available are the Houses of Healing, and Retool Your Toolbox. Retool Your Toolbox is an eight week class which includes the resource manual and financial literacy. Please make an appointment to meet with staff concerning these two classes.

Monday- Thursday

Alabama Non-Violent Offenders

ANVO Educational Referrals

We work to help non-violent offenders further their education. Due to the complexity of this process it is done on a case by case basis. Please call to schedule an appointment to meet with our staff.

Monday- Thursday

Bessong & Ministries, Inc.

Bessong & Ministries, Inc

Our company has offered Free water aerobics classes. We do spiritual education 5 days a week to some of the attendees and support and encourage them during the pandemic. We also network with other health agencies to educate the community on health.

Mon.& Wed.

Calhoun Community College Adult Education

Calhoun Community College Adult Education

FREE GED Classes FREE GED Testing Accessible locations, various times, three counties

Several Locations

UCP Huntsville-United Cerebral Palsy of Huntsville & the Tennessee Valley

Childcare Enhancement With a Purpose

CCEP (Childcare Enhancement with a Purpose) offers free inclusion training to childcare providers statewide. CCEP utilizes experienced teachers and therapists to share simple, practical ways to work with and include children with special needs in childcare centers and family/group childcare homes. For more information, email or call 256-859-4900.

Please call 256-859-4900 for hours of operation.

Women of Excellence Fellowship International

College opportunities

Calhoun + Drake State College: GOAL-Greater Opportunities For Adult Learners. Ready To Work-is a free training program that prepares adults with the skills they need to get hired. The focus of RTW is to make sure future workers have the basic, entry-level skills they need to succeed in working at most of Alabama's businesses and industries.

Every 3rd Thursday @ 5074 Meridian Street Huntsville AL

CAP & GOWN Project

College Tours

Once a month college trips and tours are available to under represented students at all our program high schools (Lee, Jemison, Ne Century, Huntsville, Grissom).

Please call 610-554-0363 for hours of operation.

North Alabama Homebuilding Academy

Construction Skills Bootcamp

We provide construction basic skills training and help our students find jobs in the homebuilding industry. There is no charge for students. Those that complete the program and take a job in the construction industry are given a basic tool kit to help them start their new job.

Please call 256-345-9656 for hours of operation.

Family Services Center, Inc

Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP)

Do you feel unexplainable rage? Does that feeling interfere with the relationship with your partner or immediate family? Anger and rage that escalate into physical violence can lead to a litany of problems. The good news is that this behavior can be changed with willingness and desire. Our state certified program with the Alabama Association of Violence Intervention Program helps individuals recognize issues that create a need to exercise control and power over other individuals. Physical intimidation, bullying, verbal and emotional abuse, social isolation and feeling the need to control others can all be factors that lead to domestic violence. Our gender specific program provides individuals with tools and communications skills that help rebuild trust and security in your relationship eliminating many of the triggers that can lead to domestic violence. Male or female, volunteer or mandated our program can help improve your most treasured relationships. We partner with area court systems, the Department of Human Resources (DHR), attorneys and local employers who provide Employee Assistance Programs.

Please call 256-551-1610 for hours of operation.

Randolph School

Dyslexia Screening

Greengate Services provides onsite educational testing, including our Dyslexia Battery, a series of seven tests to assess phonological awareness, oral and written language skills, spelling, non-verbal intelligence, word reading efficiency, oral reading fluency and comprehension, as well as the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-WISC-V. We also offer an Emergent Literacy Assessment for children ages 3-5. Testing is conducted by our school psychometrist. The evaluation includes testing, scoring and analysis, a written report with recommendations and feedback session. Testing through Greengate Services is a fee-based service and we are unable to process charges to insurance companies. Therefore, we request full payment be made at the time of service. For more information on Greengate Services, please contact us.


Randolph School

Dyslexia Simulations

Experience Dyslexia®, presented by staff members of Greengate School at Randolph, is a powerful dyslexia simulation that lets participants experience some of the challenges and frustrations that people with dyslexia face every day. The simulation provides a lively, thought-provoking experience for teachers, parents, and anyone interested in understanding the lives of people with dyslexia. Simulations are held quarterly and are free, and open to the public.


Encore Opera Theatre dba Opera Huntsville

Education Outreach

Opera Huntsville has established an elementary school outreach program to take into area schools. This program allows OH to perform a short operatic program and to education school age children on this beautiful art form. We hope to encourage an interest in performance and music.

Please call 256-417-9572 for hours of operation.

ELM Foundation

Educational Assistance

Gap funding after all FAFSA monies and applicable loans applied. Client must be employed 10-15 hours per week to receive funding. This is an effort based program. Client must contribute to their own expenses. If client is a minor, their family must also contribute to their expenses unless there's an extenuating circumstance. Signed referral form required from referring agency/agent. Referrals accepted through Charity Tracker. For questions, please contact Traci at

Please call 256-217-7141 for hours of operation.

The Riley Behavioral and Education Center

Educational Services

Private day school for students with autism; provides combination of therapy and school.


Village of Promise

Elementary Success

A mentoring program that provides enrichment, tutoring, and leadership skill development for students in grades K-5. Through weekly engagement and established partnerships with parents, school personnel and success tutors, scholars will learn to navigate their K-5 educational journey with confidence.

Monday - Friday

United Women of Color

Employee Readiness _ Interviews

We provide interview practice with 1:1 mock interviews and answer questions about interviewing and provide tips for successful interviewing.

Please call 256-527-1013 for hours of operation.

United Women of Color

Employee Readiness_ Resumes

We provide assistance with editing and developing resumes for the unemployed and underemployed seeking better opportunities.

Please call 256-527-1013 for hours of operation.

Asbury Church

ESL Classes

We offer free ESL classes. Call the office at 256-837-0365 for more information.


Grace Covenant Worship & Outreach Center, Inc (GCWOC)


Developing service capabilities, to consult, meet and/or refer those to other agencies, for additional resources; to acquire initial help to re-acclimate back into society and receive follow-on assistance in achieving stability.


First Stop

F.S. Enrichment program

Healthy Home & Life Skills Employment Readiness Money Management Drug/Alcohol Recovery Support

Case Management (Monday - Friday)
Day Center (Monday - Friday)

Family Services Center, Inc

Families and Schools Together (FAST)

Families & Schools Together (FAST) is a collaborative, community-based, whole family, early prevention program delivered in Title I Huntsville City Schools. Our evidence-based program incorporates play therapy, family communication techniques, stress reduction and parent empowerment. FAST consists of three, six (6) week sessions of carefully orchestrated, experiential, fun activities. These activities are designed to engage and strengthen the family unit, improving communication and strengthening the relationships between students, parents and faculty in order to enhance the educational experience for each student.

Please call 256-551-1610 for hours of operation.

Village of Promise

Family Connections

Research shows a strong family is more likely to sustain economic independence. Our Family Connections program offers seminars in PACT (Parent and Child Time), Healthcare, Mental Health, Home/School Relationships, Learning Needs, Positive Parenting, and Financial Literacy. Families graduating from the program all receive a certificate and gift cards toward basic necessities. Our families continue into our Next Steps Programs

Monday - Friday

Catholic Center of Concern

Financial Fearlessness Workshops

Financial Fearlessness Workshops is a series of (3) 90 minute workshops offered monthly that will empower individuals to understand the basics of income, spending, credit, and identity protection, as well as banking and borrowing basics. Session 1) Wants vs Needs, maximizing income and minimizing spending, Session 2) credit and identity protection, Session 3) banking, borrowing basics and graduation. To be eligible for graduation, the individual must have attended all three sessions. In order to register, please visit Click on classes in the top right corner. All classes are scheduled in Huntsville, Alabama.

Please call 256-963-9355 102 for hours of operation.

Family Services Center, Inc

Financial Literacy / Empowerment

Educating individuals and families on a wide variety of financial obstacles presented in life. Understand how to create and manage a household budget, improve your credit score, the advantages and disadvantages of obtaining a high-cost loan, payday or title pawn loan, how to avoid bankruptcy, eviction and/or foreclosure. Our professional counselors can work with you one-on-one to help you establish and achieve your goals for financial stability.

Please call 256-551-1610 for hours of operation.

The CornerStone Initiative

Financial Literacy Class

CornerStone offers a 12-week financial literacy class called Faith and Finances. This class was designed specifically for low-to-moderate income individuals or families. The facilitator is trained and certified through The Chalmers Center and the class is heavily supported by trained volunteers. Each of the 12 students who are accepted into the program is paired with a trained mentor who attends every class with them. There is also a home cooked meal provided each week.

Please call 256-694-5393 for hours of operation.

Village of Promise

Freedom School

A 6-week literacy-based summer program that uses of the CDF Integrated Reading Curriculum (IRC) which provides culturally relevant books and hands-on enrichment activities. Scholars focus on weekly themes centered around "I can make a difference in myself, family, community, country and world with hope, education and action.

Monday - Friday

The CARE Center

Fuel Their Hunger to Learn - School Based Programs

The CARE Center partners with five area schools (NHES, NHHS, OCRS, MCES, and MCHS). During the school day, we provide intervention teachers and volunteer tutors. We also offer high-quality after-school and summer camp programs on-site at each school. For more information, please contact Molly at 256-723-2273.

Please call 256-723-2273 for hours of operation.

Asbury Church

GED Classes

In partnership with Drake State, we offer GED classes on Monday and Wednesday nights. They are held at a house owned by Asbury. We offer free childcare, a meal, and tutoring in addition to the instruction provided by our Drake State partner. For more information please contact Slade Hogan at or Lilia Fury from Drake State at 623-399-7413.


Christian Job Corps of Madison County

GED Tutoring

GED tutoring in math and English is available on an individual basis at our First Baptist Church site, 600 Governors Drive, Huntsville, AL 35801. For more information, contact staff at 256-428-9461 or

Monday through Thursday

Youth Development Association, Inc. (YDA)

Health & Wellness Through Tennis

Youth Development Assoc., Inc (YDA) provides health, wellness and SEL through our tennis and education program. YDA is an organizational member of the United States Tennis Association as a National Junior Tennis and Learning Chapter (NJTL) and NET GENERATION Service Provider to PE Departments in local schools serving underrepresented and underserved children.

M-F; Sat, 9am - 1pm

Crestwood Medical Center

Healthcare Clinician speakers available

Doctors, Specialist and Clinical Staff are available to speak on various healthcare topics. Contact 256-429-4557 for information on requesting a topic or speaker. Topics readily available include: ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) Arthritis, Cardiac conditions and Healthy Heart, Colon Cancer Awareness, COPD or Respiratory diseases, Gullian-Barre Syndrome (GBS), Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson, Sepsis, Stroke/TIA's.

Please call 256-429-4000 for hours of operation.

The CARE Center

IGNITE Your Potential - Adult Education Programs

The CARE Center provides on-site services to support adult learners, including GED, Workforce Development, Work-Based Learning, College and Career Counseling, Financial Literacy, and more. For more information, please contact Aneisha at or Cassie at or call 256-723-2271. We include partnerships with Calhoun Community College, Drake Technical College, Madison County Career Center, AHEC, Youth Services, and more.

Please call 256-723-2273 for hours of operation.

Village of Promise

Infant & Toddler I and II

Childcare for children 6 weeks to 4 years old on a sliding scale. 8:00-2:30. Aftercare is available from 2:45-4:00pm for $4.00 per hour per child. Our Infant and Toddler Program is research-based and provides a safe, healthy, loving environment for children to grow. When parents go to work, they have additional expenses such as transportation, childcare, and additional housing costs. By providing this service, not only to we help children, but we help the adults "get on their feet" financially and sustain economic independence.

Monday - Friday

Village of Promise

Infant University

Infant University is a program designed for expecting parents through 4 years of age. This program covers children milestones, healthcare, self-care, nutrition, and goal setting. A graduation ceremony is conducted, where participants receive a certificate and gift card for basic necessities. We also hold baby showers for the expecting parents.

Monday - Friday

CNI Solutions

Iris Frye

An entrepreneurship program that takes a student from being to end in establishing a business. This program's objective is to secure financial stability for the underserved and other populations in the community.


The CornerStone Initiative

Jobs for Life Class

8-week soft-skills class that leads to strong opportunities for employment. Class is Christ-centered and heavily rooted in relationships. Each student is paired with a trained mentor who attends every class with their student. The class meets two times per week from 5:30 - 8:00 PM. A warm, home cooked meal is also provided. Students must fill out an application and be interviewed prior to acceptance in the class. Students must complete all homework, any additional assigned tasks, and have no more than 3 absences in order to graduate.

Please call 256-694-5393 for hours of operation.

Christian Job Corps of Madison County

Jobs Skills Classes

A variety of classes designed to enhance job skills is offered to men and women enrolled in the Christian Job Corps program. For more information contact staff at 256-428-9461 or, or go to for more information and to apply.

Monday through Thursday

Crestwood Medical Center

Joint Replacement Education

Monthly Joint Replacement Education classes are offered. Go to link -

Please call 256-429-4000 for hours of operation.

Leadership Greater Huntsville

Leadership Training

Leadership Greater Huntsville exists to identify, educate, inspire, and connect leaders to build a better community.

Please call 256-469-2884 for hours of operation.

Lincoln Village Ministry

Lincoln Academy

Accreditation from AdvancED 100% Students on Scholarship 9 Certified Teachers Part-Time Bible and PE Teacher 12:1 Student-Teacher Ratio STEM Opportunities & Field Trips 100% Parent Involvement in Conferences WellStone Counselor on Campus


Faith Presbyterian Church

Little Free Library

Faith has a Little Free Library box located in the parking lot at the intersection of Airport Road and Whitesburg Drive. Books for all ages are available for free to anyone.

Sunday worship

Lincoln Village Ministry

Little Linc

3 & 4 Year-Old Students Montessori Method Biblical Intergration Orton-Gillingham Trained Teachers Literacy Centers Parent Power Class After-Care Hours


Unity Psychiatric Care

Lunch and Learns (Free CEUs Provided)

On the fourth Tuesday of every month, we provide a Lunch and Learn open to the community at our hospital. Topics vary throughout the year. CEUs are provided for Social Work, Nursing and some Administrator.

Please call 256-964-6700 for hours of operation.

AGAPE of North Alabama

Natalie Balch

Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) Caregivers' Training is an evidence-based model for parenting and working with children who have experienced complex developmental trauma. Agape has four TBRI Practitioners on staff and offer TBRI Caregivers' Training twice each year.

Monday - Friday

Next Step Farms

Please call 256-679-0963 for hours of operation.

Village of Promise

Next Steps

Our Next Steps Program has three components: ESL, GED, and Adult Literacy. ESL class is offered on Wednesday's & Friday's from 9:00am-10:30am at the Village of Promise. We currently offer Level 1 and Level 2 beginners course. Our GED program is offered in partnership with Drake State. Classes are held on Monday & Wednesday's from 12:30-3:30pm. Our Adult Literacy program is personalized and offered for adults trying to improve their skills in order to pass the GED. Class is offered on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday's. Our Workforce Development is conducted in partnership with several companies including TOC and Toyota. We work with adults to create a career path of upward mobility in order to improve economic independence and sustainability.

Monday - Friday

Family Services Center, Inc

Nurturing Father's

Children need their fathers. Fathers need their children. Fathers have a valuable role in the life of both children and family. Whether you're a new father, widowed father, stepfather or in a father-like role, research overwhelmingly supports the benefits to children and families through positive male nurturance. For children to experience these benefits, fathers must be present, however presence is only the beginning. It is the quality of a father's presence that matters most in enhancing the life of his children. ?Regardless of a child's age, our techniques are designed to help father's develop positive parenting methods through self-awareness, communication and co-parenting skills, and appropriate disciplinary techniques to become the best father he can be.

Please call 256-551-1610 for hours of operation.

CAP & GOWN Project

Operation 36 ACT Tutoring

Operation 36 ACT tutoring is available at all Huntsville City High Schools.

Please call 610-554-0363 for hours of operation.

Randolph School

Orton-Gillingham Training (for Teachers)

The Associate Level Training Course provides an excellent foundation of core concepts for anyone who teaches reading and written language skills at any grade level, but especially for those teaching students who struggle with dyslexia or reading and written language disorders. Our training programs are approved by the International Dyslexia Association and the Orton-Gillingham Academy. Associate Level Training Course The Associate Level training is an intensive, 60 to 70-hour two-week course. It is designed for teachers and professionals with a minimum of a bachelor's degree who intend to work with students in small group remediation or in one-on-one tutorials. It is also appropriate for general education teachers who would like more complete understanding of the structure of language and multisensory instruction techniques for whole class teaching. This summer, we are offering a session on June 7 - 18, 2021. The cost for the course, including materials, is $1,700. Currently, the course will be offered in a virtual format. If we are able to transition to an in-person training, it will be held in the Middle School Library, which is located on the Drake Campus. Course Topics include: The nature of dyslexia and reading problems Principles of multi-sensory instruction Alphabetic principle Phonology and phonological awareness Spelling instruction Fluency Syllable types and division patterns Introduction to and practice in lesson planning and delivery Handwriting Structure and History of the English Language An introduction to Advanced Decoding and Morphology Formal Assessment Neurological basis of dyslexia Dyslexia, ADHD, and related challenges Information about the practicum mentoring program Class Requirements: The Associate Level course includes daily homework assignments, quizzes, and written responses to selected readings which are part of course requirements.


Family Services Center, Inc


Raising children in today's environment can be the most challenging yet rewarding experience of one's lifetime. Being an involved parent is important to raising a healthy child and creating a long-lasting positive relationship. Our parenting program utilizes an evidence-based curriculum designed to assist parents gain a better understanding of child development, improve communication skills, assist parents in developing nurturing skills and parenting with affection and positive reinforcement instead of fear, anger or intimidation.

Please call 256-551-1610 for hours of operation.

Parkinson's Dynamics/Rock Steady Boxing Rocket Cty

Parkinson's Dynamics

What started with Rock Steady Boxing Rocket City developed into Parkinson's Dynamics because we saw a need in our community. We provide exercise, education, wellness and support to Parkinson's clients and their families. We offer HOPE to those on this journey with PD. We will expand our outreach when we move in to the renovated armory in John Hunt Park in Feb. 2024!

Please call 256-513-8164 for hours of operation.

Partnership for a Drug-Free Community

Partnership for a Drug Free Community

Ozzie Opioid Prevention Programs (Ozzie OPPs) is a prevention curriculum developed for elementary, middle, and high school students that teaches age-appropriate lessons about what opioids are, the consequences of using opioids, how to make good choices, and how to talk with adults about drugs.

M - F

Partnership for a Drug-Free Community

Partnership for a Drug Free Community

The Youth Tobacco and Vaping Prevention Program (YTV), based on information from the Alabama Department of Public Health utilizing the Stanford Medical School curriculum designed for youth in grades 3-12 and is being taught in Huntsville, Madison, and Madison County schools, as well as area private schools and colleges. The program focuses on all aspects of tobacco, nicotine, and electronic cigarettes, hookahs, including JUULs and disposable vapes.

M - F

Crestwood Medical Center

Prenatal Classes for Free

Tuesday and Saturday classes held. Go to link - Classes include: Prepared Child Birth, Natural Child Birth, Breastfeeding, Sibling, Newborn Care, Daddy Boot Camp, Grandparenting and Gestational Diabetes.

Please call 256-429-4000 for hours of operation.

WEDC Foundation

Professional Workshops

Scholars in our program receive quarterly training in a variety of areas to propel them further in the professional world and life. Workshops include topics covering interview & resume skills, self-care, business etiquette, and financial fundamentals. To become a scholar, interested collegiate women can apply online annually January - April 30th. If you are interested in facilitating one of these workshops, please contact the WEDCF office.

Please call 256-652-1600 for hours of operation.

Arc of Madison County, Inc.

Project Search

Project SEARCH serves people with disabilities through innovative workforce and career development. Through this process, we educate employers about the potential of this underutilized workforce while meeting their human resource needs. Project SEARCH Huntsville is a school to work transition program for young adults who have completed their high school course of study and wish to participate in job training to gain work experience, explore career interests, and learn new employability skills. The program is designed to prepare interns for competitive employment. Project SEARCH is a partnership between the Alabama State Department of Education, Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services, Alabama Developmental Disabilities Council, the Arc of Madison County, Huntsville City School Systems, and Huntsville Health Services. Representatives of each agency collaborate to provide transition services to interns participating in the program. Services include instruction in employment, and independent living skills, job coaching, and job development. Interns complete three internship rotations at Huntsville Hospital where they are immersed in authentic learning experiences. Internship placement is based on individual interests and skill sets.


Village of Promise

Promise Reading Academy

Phonics based program for children 1st-8th grades. We have four Orton Gillingham trained tutors who provide instruction for students who struggle and may be/are dyslexic. This service is provided on a sliding scale, with 100% of our current participants receiving free services. We also provide assistance for students struggling in other areas.

Monday - Friday

Alabama Arise

Proposed state policy

We inform people about proposed state policies that could help Alabamians with low-incomes such as untaxing groceries, Medicaid expansion, payday lending reform, etc.

Please call 334-832-9060 for hours of operation.

Randolph School

Randolph School Teaching Fellowship Program

The purpose of the Teaching Fellowship is to recruit recent and/or early career college graduates from under-represented groups to Randolph School with the goal of retaining these teachers as full-time, faculty members at the conclusion of their fellowship program. The Fellowship program supports Randolph School's strategic goal of increasing diversity among the teaching faculty. Each Randolph Fellow is paired with an experienced mentor teacher to encourage and guide the Fellow throughout the year as they prepare for a career in education. Recent college graduates (no more than 5 years out from completing their undergraduate degree) from historically under-represented groups in the teaching profession are eligible to apply for the fellowship. A Fellow may be selected to teach in the lower, middle, upper, or Greengate divisions of the School, based on the respective skills and experience of the applicant and the needs of the School. While prior teaching experience or an education degree is preferred, it is not required. In addition to being supported by an experienced classroom teacher, each Fellow will receive the following benefits: Competitive salary and benefits package Relocation allowance if needed Budget for professional growth and development Mentoring relationship to grow and develop as a classroom educator Support team to both transition to Randolph School as well as the local community Hands-on, classroom experience in a paired teaching environment


Serving Hope, Inc

Serving Hope, Inc.

ServSafe certification

Please call 256-203-4079 for hours of operation.

Valley Christian Counseling - Spanish Services

Spanish Psychoeducation

We provide psychoeducation for the Hispanic immigrants in North Alabama. Maria Stansbury is a bilingual Licensed Master Social Worker, under supervision. She partners with local social service agencies to provide group and individual sessions in person and online.

Please call 256-722-8091 for hours of operation.

Family Services Center, Inc

Substance Abuse

Has your alcohol and/or drug use impacted your life through the loss of family, friends, employment and health? Have you gotten into legal trouble due to past decisions? Approximately 10% of Americans currently struggle with substance abuse. Even "occasional" use can quickly escalate into dependency, and it can be very difficult to break free once this cycle has begun. Participants in our program may voluntarily seek help with our services, while others are oftentimes involved in diversion programs that required attendance in group sessions in order to meet the requirements of the court in relation to their specific violation /offense. Upon successful completion of the program, defendants may be eligible to have their case dismissed by the District Attorney's Office.

Please call 256-551-1610 for hours of operation.

Randolph School

Summer Reading Program

Greengate School at Randolph's four-week summer reading program works to strengthen language and math skills for children with reading difficulties. The summer program offers daily reading tutorials conducted by specialists trained in Orton-Gillingham instruction, an approach designed for bright children who struggle in reading, spelling and writing. This helps ensure the child doesn't lose precious academic ground during the long weeks of summer.


Family Services Center, Inc

Theft Diversion

For some non-violent crimes, such as theft, a Pre-Trial Diversion program is an option. A candidate for diversion is willing to take responsibility for their actions and participate in a court mandated program for a period of time. The goal for a theft diversion program is to promote responsible behavior to prevent future offenses. The program addresses defense mechanisms and roadblocks that prevent taking responsibility, stress management, financial accountability and responsibility, money management and alcohol/drug abuse awareness. Completion of the program, in addition to other court mandated requirements, can lead to the expungement of a first-time offense.

Please call 256-551-1610 for hours of operation.

UCP Huntsville-United Cerebral Palsy of Huntsville & the Tennessee Valley

Tourism ALL-a-Bama

Tourism ALL-a-Bama is a statewide training and implementation program designed to create lasting change in Alabama tourism through connecting hospitality partners with the advocacy community and Alabama families who are not currently being served in an autism-friendly manner. The long-term goals of this project will be to equip families with tools to prepare for and enjoy travel and to position Alabama as an autism-friendly travel destination. For more information, visit Tourism ALL-a-Bama or call 256-859-4900.

Please call 256-859-4900 for hours of operation.

Graces of Gurley


We have limited space for after school tutoring. Space depends on availability of tutors. Parents must call Graces for an application.

Please call 256-361-9281 for hours of operation.

UCP Huntsville-United Cerebral Palsy of Huntsville & the Tennessee Valley

UCP Family Connections

Family Connections is a free parent-child program for children with special needs and their siblings (ages 18 months to 5 years). Family Connections provides parent training with a developmental specialist, parent/child playgroups (Family Fun Times), family events for networking and support, seasonal activities for children, resource information and referrals. For more information, email or call 256-852-5600.

Please call 256-859-4900 for hours of operation.

UCP Huntsville-United Cerebral Palsy of Huntsville & the Tennessee Valley

UCP Parents as Teachers

UCP Parents as Teachers is a free parent education home visiting program. We serve expectant families and families with children up to kindergarten age. Our focus is parent-child interaction, knowledge of child development, and family well-being. Please contact Amanda Yancey at 256-801-0144.

Please call 256-859-4900 for hours of operation.

Regional Autism Network-UAH

Working with Neurodiversity

The RAN provides education and training services to any organization in the area looking on becoming more neurodiverse and working with those with autism

Please call 256-824-2317 for hours of operation.

Disability Resource Network

Youth Transistion

Extra help for youth who are in school or have just finished school. Get help understanding your disability at any age, discovering what is important to you, and how to set goals for yourself.

Please call 256-937-2572 for hours of operation.